From the Bookshelf

April 1997

The Performance Measurement, Management, and Appraisal Sourcebook

The Performance Measurement, Management, and Appraisal Sourcebook is a collection of articles written for managers, human resource management professionals, and employees who want to learn more about performance management and measurement. The collection offers perspectives and practical advice that reflect the importance of linking individual, team, and organizational performance to organizational goals.

Sourcebook Topics. Sourcebook articles cover a wide variety of topics. The first section deals with performance management's central role in planning and management processes. A key article in this section is "Performance Measurement and Management: A Tool for Strategy Execution" by editors Schneier, Shaw, and Beatty.

Section two explores different types of performance measures and establishing standards for different parts of the organization. Articles like "Make Performance Gages Perform" by Bob Malchione, "Putting the Balanced Scorecard to Work" by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, and "How the Right Measures Help Teams Excel" by Christopher Meyer offer "how-to" guidance about measurement.

Goal-based and competency-based approaches to performance management are discussed in the third section. Articles include "Designing a Goal-Setting System to Enhance Performance: A Practical Guide" by Robert D. Pritchard, Philip L. Roth, Steven D. Jones, Patricia J. Galgay, and Margaret D. Watson and "Managerial Performance Appraisal" by Michael Sokol and Robert Oresick.

The fourth section contains articles dealing with establishing expectations, coaching, collecting performance data, conducting performance reviews and appraisals, and linking performance assessment to awards. "Interviewing: Key to Effective Management" by Joseph P. Zima provides detailed instructions on how to write measurable objectives and goals. Other articles in this section include "Coaching and the Art of Management" by Roger D. Evered and James C. Selman, and "Turning the Tables: Underlings Evaluate Bosses" by Joann S. Lubin.

The fifth section provides case studies of several organizations that have implemented successful performance management programs. Articles include "Capitalizing on Performance Management, Recognition, and Rewards Systems" by Craig Eric Schneier, "Performance Appraisal with a Difference" by William H. Wagel, and "Teamwork Developed a Successful Appraisal System" by Ron Sorensen and Geralyn McClure Franklin.

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Sourcebook Resource Materials. The Sourcebook's resource materials such as questionnaires, case studies, role plays, and practical suggestions, make it an excellent investment for staff and task forces charged with improving performance management programs. They can be used in designing programs and incorporated into implementation training.

The breadth of material in the Sourcebook underscores the many options and alternatives available for those dealing with the various dimensions of performance management. This material is valuable for designing, implementing, evaluating, and adapting effective programs.

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