February 1998 Group incentive programs can channel employee efforts toward achieving preestablished goals. When the General Services Administration's (GSA) Realty Services Division was reorganized in 1995, it established an award program that balanced individual and team recognition, linked performance measures to strategic goals, and provided feedback to employees on their team and organizational performance. The following is a description of GSA's successful program and the positive results it achieved. Design. In partnership, the Division created a team to develop an awards program focusing the organization on customer service, rewarding actual outcomes, and creating an environment that encouraged innovation and risk taking. After researching design options, the team felt that an award program that included elements from profitsharing and gainsharing programs would work best for the Division. The team analyzed the Division's activities from the customer's perspective and divided the activities into three major categories:
Using the direct value-added activities and the GSA strategic plan, the team developed four goals; customer satisfaction, timeliness, cost effectiveness, and program efficiency. Measurable standards were established for each goal. Payouts would be determined based on a formula that included weighted goals and the number of teams meeting each goal. The design team also determined that feedback should be provided by posting performance results where all employees would have access to them. This would allow employees to track how well the teams and the organization were performing against the established goals. Finally, the program would be evaluated annually by a committee of employees representing labor, management, and the personnel office. Results. The program went into operation April 1997. Employees received 50 percent of the possible payout in the first two quarters and have improved performance in the third quarter. Currently, despite the threat of another reorganization, morale has been high and teams are providing assistance to one another in meeting the organizational goals. The Realty Services Division is excited about the progress being made, but no program can be implemented without lessons being learned: