CMS Beneficiary Customer Service
Beneficiary Customer Service: Ethical Customer Serviceskip nav imageimageModule MenuHelp

CSR Ethics

photoAs a CSR, you often have to choose between right and wrong behavior. When handling callers, managing your time, and having discussions with coworkers, friends and family, it is sometimes challenging to determine the correct course of action.

Read the scenarios below. Are either of these situations examples of unethical behavior?

Jeannie provides good customer service to a beneficiary. When she hangs up, she and her coworker LeAnn laugh together about how many times Jeannie had to repeat the same information before the beneficiary understood her.

Rosa tries many times to explain a policy to a beneficiary. As the conversation continues, her responses become short and it is clear that she is irritated. Finally, Rosa tells the caller, "I am sorry, our system is down. You'll have to call back later."

In each situation, the CSR could have behaved more ethically. Click here for a definition of ethics.

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