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Module 1, Lesson B: Original Medicare Part A


Apply Your Knowledge


Job AidThrough Joleen and Todd's experiences, you have learned about Medicare Part A. Now you will have an opportunity to apply your knowledge.

On the following screens, you will be presented with several profiles of persons with Medicare. Read each profile and answer the question that follows. If the answer is yes (the information is true or correct), select the Medicare card icon. If the answer is no (the information is not true or incorrect), select the Medicare card icon with an X through it.

At any point during this assessment, you may select the job aid icon, which will provide you with a summary of the information in this lesson. If you are having trouble with one of the questions, the job aid should help. Select the Print icon on your browser to print a copy of the job aid. When you are finished viewing the job aid, select the Close button on your browser to return to the lesson.

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Last Updated 11/02/2004