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Module 3, Lesson A: Medigap Basics


Apply Your Knowledge

Which statements are true about Medigap?

Job Aid
1. It may be illegal for an insurance company to sell a Medigap policy to a beneficiary enrolled in a Medicare + Choice plan.
1. It may be illegal for an insurance company to sell a Medigap policy to a beneficiary enrolled in a Medicare + Choice plan.
2. A standard Medigap policy restricts a beneficiary's choice of doctors, hospitals, and providers.
2. A standard Medigap policy restricts a beneficiary's choice of doctors, hospitals, and providers.
3. Which Medigap policy a beneficiary buys will determine her out-of-pocket expenses.
3. Which Medigap policy a beneficiary buys will determine her out-of-pocket expenses.
4. All Medigap policies cover the first three pints of blood.
4. All Medigap policies cover the first three pints of blood.
5. Federal law requires insurance companies to sell a Medigap policy to beneficiaries under age 65.
5. Federal law requires insurance companies to sell a Medigap policy to beneficiaries under age 65.

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Last Updated 11/02/2004