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Module 3, Lesson C: Guaranteed Issue Rights


Situations in Which Guaranteed Issue Rights Apply

You may have a guaranteed issue right to buy a Medigap policy in the following situations involving health coverage changes.

  1. Your Medicare + Choice plan or PACE program coverage ends because the plan is leaving the Medicare Program or stops giving care in your area.
  2. Your Employer Group Health Plan (EGHP) coverage ends.
  3. Your health coverage ends because you move out of the plan's service area.
  4. You join a Medicare + Choice plan or PACE program when you are first eligible for Medicare at age 65. Within the first year of joining, you decide you want to leave.
  5. You drop a Medigap policy to join a Medicare + Choice plan, Medicare SELECT policy, or PACE program for the first time. You then decide, after being in the plan less than 1 year, that you want to leave.
  6. Your Medigap insurance company goes bankrupt and you lose your coverage, or your Medigap policy coverage ends through no fault of your own.
  7. You cancel your current Medicare + Choice plan, Medicare SELECT policy, or Medigap policy because the insurance company has committed fraud. For example, the marketing materials were misleading, or quality standards were not met.

Let's take a closer look at each of these situations.

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Last Updated 11/02/2004