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Module 5, Lesson A: Coordination of Benefits Basics



Welcome to the Coordination of Benefits Basics lesson.

In addition to Medicare, a beneficiary may have one or more other types of insurance or coverage that must pay before Medicare pays its share of the bill. This applies whether a beneficiary receives his benefits through the Original Medicare Plan (with or without Medigap) or a Medicare + Choice plan.

Coordination of benefits is the way in which Medicare ensures that claims are paid correctly the first time and every time.

This lesson provides an overview of coordination of benefits and the other types of insurance or coverage. After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Define other types of insurance or coverage
  • Identify the way Medicare uses coordination of benefits
  • Identify the ways in which Medicare obtains coordination of benefits information
  • Identify additional resources related to coordination of benefits basics

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Last Updated 11/02/2004