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Module 6, Lesson A: Medicare for People With a Disability


Apply Your Knowledge

Which statements are true about Medicare for people with a disability?

Job Aid
1. Federal law requires insurance companies to sell Medigap policies to Medicare beneficiaries with disabilities under age 65. 1. Federal law requires insurance companies to sell Medigap policies to Medicare beneficiaries with disabilities under age 65.
2. When a beneficiary with a disability turns 65, her basis of entitlement changes from disability to age. 2. When a beneficiary with a disability turns 65, her basis of entitlement changes from disability to age.
3. Medicare coverage terminates if SSA determines that a beneficiary no longer disabled. 3. Medicare coverage terminates if SSA determines that a beneficiary is no longer disabled and is under age 65.
A beneficiary with ALS will be eligible for Medicare benefits only after she receives SSA benefits for 24 months. 4. A person with ALS will be eligible for Medicare benefits only after she receives SSA cash benefits for 24 months.

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Last Updated 11/02/2004