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Module 6, Lesson B: Medicare for People With End-Stage Renal Disease


Apply Your Knowledge

Which statements are true about Medicare for people with ESRD?

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1. Medicare covers the surgeon's fees for the kidney donor. 1. Medicare covers the surgeon's fees for the kidney donor.
2. Medicare is the primary payer to a GHP for the first 12 months. 2. Medicare is the primary payer to a GHP for the first 12 months.
3. Medicare covers additional services for beneficiaries who require dialysis or a kidney transplant. 3. Medicare covers additional services for beneficiaries who require dialysis or a kidney transplant.
4. A beneficiary must leave his Medicare + Choice plan if he is diagnosed with ESRD while he is enrolled. 4. A beneficiary must leave his Medicare + Choice plan if he is diagnosed with ESRD while he is enrolled.
5. If a beneficiary is enrolled in Medicare Part A prior to being diagnosed with ESRD, he can enroll in Part B without paying a higher premium. 5. If a beneficiary is enrolled in Medicare Part A prior to being diagnosed with ESRD, he can enroll in Part B without paying a higher premium.

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Last Updated 11/02/2004