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Skip NavLesson:  How Work Affects Benefits
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Lesson Topics
Persons Affected
Earnings Limit
Benefit Reductions
Earnings Defined
Reporting Changes
Summary & Case Studies

What To Do When Earnings Change

A letter that begins:  "Congratulations!  You have earned a pay raise!…"

Social Security benefit payments are based on the earnings estimate a worker gives when applying for benefits (or on a more recent estimate of earnings).

At any time during the year, if the individual sees that earnings will differ from those estimated, he or she should call the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213 or TTY 1-800-325-0778 to revise the estimate, so that the amount of benefits paid is correct.

In addition:

  • If other family members get benefits on that person's record, the total family benefits may be affected by changes in income.
  • If the worker gets benefits as a family member, then changes in earnings affect only his or her own benefits.

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