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Measuring means determining the level of performance against a set of standards by judging the quality, quantity, timeliness and/or cost effectiveness of work.

Staff Recommendations
Title Description
Effective Performance Management: Doing What Comes Naturally Describes performance management as a systematic process that includes planning, monitoring, developing, rating, and rewarding.
The Fable of the Beekeepers and Their Bees Describes the advantages of measuring and rewarding results versus activities.
Measuring Team Performance Provides tips for designing a measurement system that support and improves the performance of teams and their individual members.

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Policy Documents
Title Description
The Policy Perspective on 360-Degree Assessment Provides a summary of legislative, regulatory, and Governmentwide policies that relate to 360-degree appraisal.

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Newsletter Articles
Title Description
360-Degree Appraisal: A Case Study Discusses the advantages of using a variety of information sources to appraise employee performance and/or to provide feedback on performance.
Balancing Measures of Performance Reviews the performance measures being used by the New York Regional Office of the Veterans Benefits Administration. This approach uses organizational outcomes that become the basis for performance ratings and rewards.
Effective Performance Management: Doing What Comes Naturally Describes performance management as a systematic process that includes planning, monitoring, developing, rating, and rewarding.
FAA Measures Employee Performance Based on Results Describes how one organization within the Federal Aviation Administration is using results-based measures in employee performance plans.
The Fable of the Beekeepers and Their Bees Describes the advantages of measuring and rewarding results versus activities.
Facts about Measuring Team Performance Provides four approaches to measuring employee performance, two at the individual level and two at the team level.
Measurement Study Features "Best-in-Class" Describes a 1997 benchmarking study issued by the National Performance Review (NPR). Provides practical information about organizational performance measurement.
Measuring Team Performance Provides tips for designing a measurement system that support and improves the performance of teams and their individual members.
Multi-Rater Appraisal Provides insight into a team-based structure for employee appraisal systems.
Using a Balanced Scorecard Approach to Measure Performance Describes a method of balancing internal and process measures with results and financial measures.

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Book Reviews
Title Description
Designing Feedback: Performance Measures for Continuous Improvement Presents a concise plan for the design, development, and use of feedback in a variety of work settings that includes the use of different types of measures.
How to Measure the Results of Work Teams Looks at team needs and how team results will help the organization.
Planning and Measurement in Your Organization of the Future Provides guidance for measuring organizational and group performance that can be applied to improve the employee performance management process.
The Performance Measurement, Management, and Appraisal Sourcebook A collection of articles for managers, human resource management professionals, and employees who want to learn more about employee performance management and measurement.

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