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Lesson Topics
Course Overview
Moving Through the Course
Accessing Resources
Completing the Activities & Case Studies
Tips for Completing This Course
Ready to Begin

Moving Through the Course

Woman working at computer

Most lessons will take you between 20 and 30 minutes to complete.

Working through the course is simple. On most screens, you will simply click on the Next button at the bottom of the screen when you are ready to proceed. The bold text at the bottom of the screen (e.g., Click on the Next button to continue) provides instructions on how to proceed. Make sure to refer to the instructions on each screen.

Dimmed Next button When you see a dimmed Next button, it means that you need to complete an activity or case study question before proceeding.

Along the left side of the screen in every lesson, there is a sidebar showing all topics in that lesson. Clicking on a topic in the sidebar will access that topic.

Click on the Next button to continue.
