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Persons Affected
Earnings Limit
Benefit Reductions
Earnings Defined
Reporting Changes
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Earnings and Benefits: How Much Does One Impact the Other?


The following table gives you an idea of how much Social Security benefits an individual will receive, if he or she is working while receiving benefits, based on monthly benefits and estimated earnings.

For People Under Full Retirement Age
If Your Monthly Social Security Benefit Is And You Earn You Will Receive Yearly Benefits Of
$500 $12,000 or less $6,000
$15,000 $4,500
$700 $12,000 or less $8,400
$15,000 $6,900
$20,000 $4,400
$900 $12,000 or less $10,800
$15,000 $9,300
$20,000 $6,800

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