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Lesson Topics
Who Is Covered
How It Works
Disability & CSRS Offset
Age & CSRS Offset
Survivors & CSRS Offset
Other Social Security Reductions & CSRS Offset
Summary & Case Studies

Computing a Retiree's Basic CSRS Annuity

A calculator

A CSRS retiree's basic annuity is computed based on his or her:

  • Length of service (which includes unused sick leave if the person retires on an immediate annuity), and
  • "High-3" average pay (which is the highest average basic pay earned during any 3 consecutive years of service).

The basic annuity cannot be more than 80 percent of the "high-3" average pay, unless the amount over 80 percent is due to crediting unused sick leave.

Click on this link to see how the yearly basic CSRS annuity is computed.

Click on this link to see a quick trick for estimating a basic CSRS annuity.

Click on the Next button to continue.
