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Lesson Topics
Who Is Covered
How It Works
Disability & CSRS Offset
Age & CSRS Offset
Survivors & CSRS Offset
Other Social Security Reductions & CSRS Offset
Summary & Case Studies

If a CSRS Offset Employee Dies While Still Working

Cover of OPM Pub. No. RI-83-19

If a CSRS Offset employee dies after 18 months of creditable civilian service, the widow(er) may get an annuity.

If the spouse or children are eligible for both CSRS survivor benefits and Social Security survivor benefits based on the worker's service, OPM must reduce the CSRS benefit paid to the spouse and children. This reduction is computed in the same way as the reduction in a retirement annuity.

For more information about survivor benefits and CSRS Offset annuities, see OPM Publication No. RI-83-19, Retirement Facts 13: CSRS Offset Retirement (available through the OPM web site,

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