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FEHB & Medicare
FEHB, Medicare, & TRICARE
Summary & Case Studies

Enrolling In Medicare: Receiving Social Security Benefits

Birthday cake
If your 65th birthday is February 20, , your Medicare effective date would be February 1, . If your birthday is on the 1st day of any month, Medicare Part A and Part B will be effective the 1st day of the prior month.

If the individual is already getting benefits from Social Security, he or she:

  • Is automatically entitled to Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Part B (Medical Insurance) starting the first day of the month he or she turns age 65.
  • Will not need to do anything to enroll. The individual's Medicare card will be mailed about 3 months before his or her 65th birthday.

If the individual does not want to keep Part B, he or she must sign and return a form sent by the Social Security Administration to decline the coverage. The Social Security Administration will then send the individual a new card indicating Part A coverage only.

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