National Medicare Training
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Module 6, Lesson A: Medicare for People With a Disability


Medicare and Medigap Coverage


The CSR wraps up the call with the following information.

When a person qualifies for Medicare based on a disability, there are no special limitations on her coverage. If she returns to work but is still disabled, Medicare coverage can continue for an extended period. However, her coverage will terminate if SSA determines that she is no longer disabled.

When she turns 65, her basis of entitlement to Medicare will change from disability to age.

The CSR adds that Federal law does not require insurance companies to sell Medigap policies to people under age 65. However, some states require insurance companies to sell a person a policy at certain times, even if she is under age 65. Review Module 3: Medigap and Other Supplemental Insurance for more information.

Click on the map to review the list of states that require insurance companies to offer at least one kind of Medigap policy during a special Open Enrollment Period for people with Medicare who are under age 65.

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Last Updated 11/02/2004