Jim asks when his Medicare coverage would begin.
Marjorie explains that,
generally when you first apply for Medicare and are on dialysis, your
coverage begins in the fourth month of dialysis
treatment. Your Medicare coverage may begin at a different time depending
on your circumstances.
Your coverage will begin with the earliest of
the following:
- The third
month after the month you begin a regular course of dialysis; OR
- The first month you begin a regular course of dialysis if you participate
in a self-dialysis training program, or you were previously
entitled to Medicare based on ESRD; OR
- The month you receive a kidney transplant;
- The month you are admitted
as an inpatient to a Medicare-approved facility for procedures
preliminary to a kidney transplant if your transplant
takes place that same month or in the 2 months that follow; OR
- Two months
before a kidney transplant if the inpatient procedures preliminary
to the transplant took place more than 2 months prior to the transplant.