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Lesson Topics
Social Security & Medicare Coverage
Earning Work Credits
Crediting Extra Earnings to Military Pay Record
Military Service & Government Benefits
Reductions to Benefits
Summary & Case Studies

Crediting Extra Earnings on Military Pay Records

Graphic of a line graph, labeling "x" axis as: "$ earnings" and "y" axis as: "$ SSA benefits".

An individual's Social Security benefits depend on earnings averaged over his or her working lifetime. Generally, the higher the earnings, the higher the Social Security benefit.

Under certain circumstances, special earnings can be credited to an individual's military pay record for Social Security purposes.

The extra earnings credits:

  • Are granted for periods of active duty or active duty for training.
  • May help qualify the person for Social Security.
  • May increase the amount of the person's Social Security benefit.
  • Are applied when an individual files for Social Security benefits.

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