New Employee Onboarding Portal
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Getting Started

Step 1: Visit the USDA New Employee Onboarding Portal. The site is a step-by-step guide to the new employment process. There are a number of forms and some training that we would like you to complete before your first day. Click on this link to access the USDA Employee Onboarding Portal.

If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Human Resources Specialist.  Click this link to access a list of Human Resource contacts. 

Step 2: Complete Paperwork. There are a number of forms you must fill out for your employment at USDA.

Below are resources to help you complete the required paperwork:

Step 3: Complete the Required Training. The Federal Government has high standards and high expectations for its employees. To help achieve and maintain these high standards, all Federal employees are required to complete certain training. The USDA requires that you take security training prior to being allowed access to any Agency information systems, or sensitive electronic or hard copy data. Click on this link to access information about the mandatory security training.

New employee completing mandatory training