New Employee Onboarding Portal
You are here: New Employee Onboarding Portal / Your First Days

Your First Days

Everyone’s first days on the job will differ depending on your program area, assignment, and office. Generally, you should complete the following steps during your first day on the job:

  • Report to the designated location.
  • Submit your forms and take the oath of office.
  • Receive your photo identification badge and access.
  • Get a tour of your work area and the office.
  • Meet your coworkers.
  • Determine your specific work hours.
  • Review procedures for requesting leave and reporting absences.
  • Review your supervisor's expectations including performance planning and evaluation procedures.
  • Complete required IT security training.
  • Obtain a user ID and password-for computer network access.
  • Learn how to use the phone system and voicemail.
  • Review safety requirements of the job and emergency procedures such as evacuation procedures.

Make sure to speak with your supervisor or sponsor if you are unable to complete these activities in your first days on the job.

New employee meeting coworkers